jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2008

Match Point?

3 comentarios:

Negra dijo...

aunque me quitaste la ilusiond e ir a ver casi..
tequieroigual =) jajaj

Felipe dijo...

i decided to write in english it's easier to say what i want...
congrats my dear, good purpose, but like i say.. it all needs to have a solid ground, a solid base, a foundation rock to support your ideas...
as far as i know, imagination has no bonderings, and if it had it we should brake them, and then we could fly as a plane to the places we always wanted to visit...
nice iniciative

i'll support you my dear..

amaliovilla dijo...

ya te dije cuánto me gusta esta foto, la composición, y sobre todo los tonos, fríos (y el viñeteo).

me gusta mucho tu manera de ver.